ESI Institute of Pain Management

ESI Hospital Sealdah premises, 301/3 A P C Road, Kolkata 700009 ESI (MB) Scheme, Department of Labour Government of West Bengal


  1. Introduction
Pain medicine is the discipline of Medicine that specializes in the management of patients suffering from acute or chronic pain including pain in patients requiring palliative care, this management of pain both acute or chronic painful conditions require multi-disciplinary approach as these complex changes involve multiple functions and systems of human body . The pain  specialists (algologists / algiatrists should be capable of assessment ofpain, evaluationoftheproblemwithspecialclinicaland investigativeand diagnosticmodalities, integrationoftheprimaryproblemwiththemultiplemodalitiesof management and  interaction  with  multiple disciplines of medicine. The didacticclinical andpractical curriculum supervised  and  guided  with  competent   faculty  at   the  “out-patient  department”,   “in-patient department”andtheInterventionareaor“Operation Theatre”,willassurethismedical educationforan ethical foundationofindependentskill andknowledgeof theaspiranttrainees.

  1. Affiliation:
    1. Department of Health & FW, Government of West Bengal
Government of West Bengal considered for “Essentiality Certificate” for training the physicians with 10 seats at this Institute with one year residential postgraduate course “Fellowship in Pain Management” in the public interest with Memo No ME/MISC-46-13/M/1020 dated 16.07.2013.
  1. West Bengal University of Health Sciences
The West Bengal University of Health Sciences affiliated this full time one year postgraduate course.
  1. West Bengal Medical Council
The West Bengal Medical Council affiliated this course with 10 seats with their notification no 2107-C/46-2009 dated 07.08.2014. 

  1. Eligibility

  1. Medical Graduates including compulsory residential training (MBBS in India) or its equivalent basic medical qualification of other countries (Like MD in USA) and also – 2 years of additional work experience desirable in Anaesthesiology, Orthopaedics, Neurology, Physical Medicine, Psychiatry, Oncology from a Medical College or Hospital recognized by a University or MCI or Government of state/ country or equivalent from other countries.

  1. Post graduate Diploma in anaesthesiology /orthopaedics / Neurology / Physical Medicine / Psychiatry / Oncology from MCI recognized University/ College in India or equivalent from a Medical College or Hospital recognized by a University or MCI or Government of state/ country or equivalent from other countries.

  1. Post graduate degree like MD / MS / DNB / DM / MCH/PhD in Anaesthesiology, Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Physical Medicine, Psychiatry, Oncology from MCI recognized University/ College in India or equivalent.

  1. Duration of the course

  1. ultidisciplinary training to develop knowledge and skillinpainmedicinerequires12monthsoffulltime  residentialtrainingafter successfulcompletionofcompulsoryresidentialtrainingaccreditedbytheMedical Councilof Indiafor graduatemedicaleducationwithanadditional2 yearsofexperience desirableinanaesthesiology, orthopaedics, neurology,   physical medicine and  rehabilitation and  psychiatry from  an  Institution  recognized by medical council ofIndiaor governmentofany state orIndia or equivalentfrom othercountries.

  1. No of Seats:10 (Ten) at this institute.

  1. Method of Selection

  1. Date and time of Interview: Will be announced in the notice board and website of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences (Usually during August/September of each year).Anchor
  2. Admission Test:
    1. An admission test will be conducted by the experts (Theory / Viva /   Interview) appointed by the WBUHS to prepare a merit list of candidates seeking admission to the course.
    2. Applicants who have applied for admission will be allowed to appear for the interview provided his/ her prescribed off-line admission form with testimonials is submitted personally before the admission test (interview) and has been accepted by the authority of the WBUHS before starting of the admission test  on and from 2 pm on the same day.
    3. Merit list of the candidates qualifying in the admission test will be determined on the basis of marks obtained by them in the admission test. The list of successful candidates will be displayed on the notice board of the University as well as on the University website. A separate list including the merit position for the SC/ST and Physically Challenged (PC) candidates respectively.
  3. Reservation of Seats
    1. Reservation of seats: 16%, 22%, 6% and 3% will be reserved for the candidates from Government Employees (WBHS/WBMES/ESIMS / Other Government Departments), SC, ST and PC candidates respectively. PC candidates mean persons with disability as defined by MCI. i.e., 40-60% loco motor disability of lower limb only. (Note: for PC candidates confirmation of degree of loco motor disability is required by the Board constituted at IPGME&R, Kolkata. Such candidate should obtain the certificate before submission of the application.
    2. Seats reserved for SC candidates when remaining vacant even after following instructions laid down in the government order and notifications shall be filled in by ST candidates and vice-versa.
    3. If reserved category seat in any category still remain vacant, the same will be filled in by the General candidates.
  4. Age:       There is no age bar.
  5. Foreign Candidates:  NOC from the Government of India &Department of Health and Family Welfare in the State and also from the Indian Medical Council necessary before joining.
  6. Further Information:      Candidates may enquire for relevant information by e-mail at; if the candidate does not join within five days after selection, his/her candidature will be cancelled. No travelling allowances will be paid for appearing in the admission test. No personal communication will be made by the candidate unless it is considered absolutely necessary and he / she may get in touch at the above e-mail address.
  7. Duties and responsibilities
Duty: fellows must attend the regular duties at the OPD, Operation theatre, clinical rounds and the emergency duties as per schedule apart from their classes of theory and practical.

Mandatory Time Free of Duty
Fellows must be scheduled for a minimum of one day free of duty every week (when averaged over four weeks). At-home call will notbe assigned on these free days.
  1. Course Fee: The course fee will be Rupees 30,000/- (Thirty Thousand only) to be deposited to the affiliated Institution for the course at the time of admission with a bank draft addressed to the ‘’ESI Manpower Development Society” payable at Kolkata.
  2. STIPEND : Rs 34,125 per month for one year is disbursed to open category non sponsored fellows. The stipend will be revised time to time as per order and notification from the Government.
  3. Commencement of the session: Generally course will start from October of each year according to notification from the WBUHS.
  4. Accommodation:  There are provisions of semi furnished accommodation with 24 hours of water supply, for the fellows on shared basis, subjected to availability at that time.
  5. Dissertation:  Every candidate will be required to (a) submit a dissertation or (b) furnish proof of having undertaken research of high order which may be in the form of a manuscript of an original article fit for publication or already accepted by an approved journal or (c) present evidence of having published papers of research value in the subject concerned in journals recognised by the Institute for this purpose. All these should have been done during the period of training at the Institute.  

NB: The registration of those candidates who do not submit the dissertation atleast three months prior to the commencement of the examination, with Certificate from the research evaluation committee and also from Institutional ethics committee, (within 30th June for examination during September of the year) will not be eligible to appear in the final Examination.

  • Final examination: The eligible fellows with minimum of 75% of attendance in the classes will be assessed with an exit examination in the month of September each year as per convenience of the West Bengal University of Health Sciences with their notification, according to their norms.

There will be evaluation with theoretical and practical examinations (including viva) and 20% marks will be reserved for continuing internal assessment. Internal assessment includes internal examination at the institute, Faculties assessment round the year for fellows’ attitude, ethical standard and behaviour towards patients, Seminar and other academic activities)


  1. Examination Structure: Theory: 2 papers: 100 marks each with 20% reserved for the internal assessment. Practical: 200 marks including viva, long case, instruments, charts and models, simulator and manikin, short case, dissertation, log book,  (with 20% reserved for the internal assessment).


  • Certification: The fellows will receive a) Certificate from the Institute after successful completion of the course and also b) University certificate after passing the “Fellowship in Pain Management (FPM)”.