Gait Analysis Lab:
Gait analysis of the patients suffering from chronic low back pain is done at gait analysis lab in the institute. A number of research studies are being conducted in this lab.
Those patients who are unable to attend the outpatient department are managed at the “In – Patient – Department” (consisting of 26 total beds for male, female, cancer and other than cancer pain with proper separate arrangements including Palliative Care). This Hospital having a huge number of cancer patients in the in Patient Department; are being adequately taken care of their severe pain creating some standards of patient care with the praiseworthy work of this unit. This hospital can boast of minimizing the hospital stay for chronic low back pain patients in the hospital beds with effective control of their pain of the spine. In average 400 patients suffering from cancer and non-cancer acute and chronic pain, were admitted under the Pain department in the last year. These included referrals from ESI hospitals across the state of West Bengal. Many of these patients (especially those with chronic pain conditions) continue to come for follow up treatment in our OPD while a large number of them have been treated satisfactorily.
Mirror Therapy Lab:
Patients suffering from Phantom limb pain and chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS) are treated by mirror therapy under the supervision of the resident medical officer and physiotherapist in the institute with satisfactory result.
Operation Theatre interventions:
In an average 30 interventions done at the operation theatre in every week. The following procedures are mainly conducted.
Trigger point injection, stellate ganglion block, occipital nerve block, cervical epidural, cervical facet joint procedure, intra-articular injection at shoulder & knee joint, intercostals nerve block, thoracic sympathetic block, thoracic epidural, thoracic facet joint block, splanchnic nerve block, celiac plexus block, lumbar sympathetic block, spine nucleoplasty, radiofrequency ablation procedures, facet joint block, ozone nucleolysis, caudal epidural, sacroiliac joint block, hypogastric plexus block, ganglion impar block, vertebroplasty and other procedures are done at this Institute with our well-equipped department with C-arm machine, radiofrequency generator, spine nucleoplasty system, portable ultrasound machine, fluoroscope, neuroaxial drug delivery systems, PRP therapy etc.
Out Patient Department:
Presently EIPM is running OPD services every Wednesdays in which patients suffering from chronic pain of various aetiologies are being referred from all hospitals in whole ESI scheme. On average (December 2021 to November 2022), 6938 patients have attended the Pain Clinic. Every OPD day on an average 150 patients attend the pain OPD for treatment.
Pain Physiotherapy:
Every day patients attended physiotherapy clinic in Institute for manual ischemic compression and trigger point release, passive and active stretching exercises, taping, postural correction etc. Physiotherapeutic advice and treatment is also made available to all patients post interventional procedures.
Pain Psychology:
Psychological assessment of the patients suffering from chronic pain is done during OPD hours and depending on the need of the patients, psychological counselling and/or referrals are made to the Psychiatry department.